As part of our collaboration with Knowle West Media Centre, we worked with individuals from Bristol to capture their stories of trying to keep active physically outdoors during the third lockdown over the winter and spring of 2020-21. So far, our volunteers have made three short films. You can view them all here on the Positive Spin YouTube channel.
Fi’s Fitness Five offers advice on how to get and stay motivated to exercise outdoors even when the weather turns nasty. Rather than prescribe a particular keep-fit routine or single activity, Fi argues for a variety of outdoor experiences with no targets and underpinned by the advice ‘Just be kind to yourself’.
In Aimee’s Running in Lockdown Aimee tells us how she became a runner having once thought that she was not the sort of person who ever run. We follow her as she runs around and explores her neighbourhood and talks about the mental health benefits running has brought her.
InĀ Vince: A Walk in the Park, local walk leaders Vince and Steve take us on a tour of St George Park, Bristol, showing us how we can appreciate nature even in the heart of the city.
If you would like to make a film of your outdoor activity during and beyond the pandemic, please get in touch. We’ll be happy to help in whatever way we can. We’d also be happy to share your work on our YouTube channel.